SONIC TEH ADVANTURE ------===---------- COPYRIGTES ---------- sonic is copyright of sega ok if u copy this story then ur gay K packbel is copyrite of someone but he RIOX now lets go onto teth story PART 1 KONTHOLE --------------- sonic was in his hut chilling when he herd a sound whats that sond sed sonic he investigated and found that it was a swotbat attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!sonic gotted a power ring and thought the enemies and beat them and wuz happy but then a viewscren popd from robot and sed hahaha sonic u fell into my trap while u were gone fiting bots i was killing konthole and now ur in for it LOL **** so sonic went to sal to c if she wuz ok she wuz and sonic kissed sal saying ur so beautiful but teh robotnawknick attacked and he sed bad things wuld happen wot now sal thought and fought and then they al went 2 fight robatnack PART 2 ROBOOTROPOLOS --------------------- so tehy went to find roabotnak and there was packbel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!packbel said haha u r a doomed hedge and i wil gun u down u loser and sonic and packbel fought and sonc was doin well til got shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1pakkbell circled sonc and said hehe now whatll ull do and sonic said this PREPARE TO EET RING POWER SCAMBUG! AND SONIC UASED TEH POWER RING AND WHOOSH packbel was gone. **** in teh factory tere was this big pit o' fire and lots of platforms so sonic and fredum fighters popd acros lava pits until talis fell!!!!!!!11talis no!!!!!!!!!secd sonicc and saw tails fall into teh lava but he didnt actualy fall in he turned in 2 super tails and flow bk up sonic hug tailz saying dont do tat agayn big guy and tailes said tere is chaors energee down tere so chaos must be near PART 3 CHAOS STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 --------------------------------------------------- tehn tey enterd teh main room and roboatnk sed ive been expecting u hedge scratch grounder attack teh hedge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1grounder and scratch fite but tehy die so sonic says wot u up to u bad egg sonic LOLd at tis joke which wuz realy funy robnatk said dont LOL at me u fool im gona rule teh planet after chaos distroys it SCERW U EGGFACE said sonic who kicked Rovaotnk and he dropped teh remote which actiated chaos who flooded torbopolis so SONIC TURNED INTO SUPA SAWNK TEH RAGING DOOM AISHENU TEKARUSHIMISA DEAINNNNNSHENTU and chaos wuz killed PART 4 TEH FREEDUM FIGHTERS WIN ------------------------------- yay we wun sed sonic hey how about a face said knux ok ur on sed sanwk and tey ran off with each uffer sal said wate sonic i want to marry u ok said son and tey kissed and married next wekk which wuz good look out for more l33t aventures til ten by!!!!!!!!!11 -- KNACCKLES9210 KNACCKLES9210@AOL.COM "ALL UR BASE R BELONG 2 US!!!!!"